GSO Meeting Minutes
Attendance: Ashley, Riley, Aaron, David, Farzaneh, 2 graduate students via Zoom, and 5 other graduate students in person
Social event this Friday!
Location is Nicholson Rm 119.
Time: 6:00pm
Movie that won: Addams Family/Addams Family Values
Popcorn will be provided
BYOD (bring your own drinks)
Fundraiser this Saturday (October 29th)
Bake sale
Need donations of baked goods (ingredient list included as well)
Volunteers to help run! (9-12pm)
At the University Hill Commons Ground at Delgado and Highland Road
Qual Survey Results
Good portion of studying was just memorization
Did not bode well for mental health
Changes seem to be favorable among students
Online option seems much preferred
Fix errors in test bank
Passing in sections
Fill this out asap if you haven’t yet!
Friday (October 28th) is the last day we will be accepting submissions
Only takes 5 minutes!
Mentors Program
Sorry for it being so late
Mentors/Mentee pairs will be sent out today!
Colloquia Speakers
Pizza lunch with the speakers before??
Would probably be around noon or 1pm on the day of the colloquium
Jesse: “I think this sounds like a great idea! It would be a good opportunity for people to talk to the speakers and network.”
Farzaneh: “Do we have the full schedule? Could make a poll to determine what speakers people might be the most interested in meeting.”
Aaron: “We could have an RSVP list!”
Will speak to Mimi about getting a schedule
Next GSO Meeting:
Tuesday, November 29th at 4:30 PM
Officer Check-ins:
Ashley: “don’t have anything else”
Aaron: “What’s up with the other social event??”
Ashley: “We will have a game night! Looking to have pizza, will be another Friday likely. Should be in November!”
David: “I got nothing”
Riley: “I got nothing”
Farzaneh: “Good to see you all!”
Nageeb: Not in attendance
Mari: Not in attendance
Meeting Adjourned