Resources for Graduate Students
A collection of resources we hope you'll find helpful. Please let us know if you have any suggestions to add!
Educational Resources
- has very cheap international editions of textbooks
Important dates in the semester (add/drop periods for classes, thesis submission, etc) can be found on the Graduate School Calendar
Required forms and other information for international students can be found on the LSU International Services page
A guide to classes and exams you'll be taking as a graduate student can be found on the Academic Info page
Travel Funding
As grad students, we're always looking for funding. Here's a list of known travel awards and grants to apply to:
Coates Conference Travel Award: up to $1200 to attend a national or international conference
Coates Research Travel Award: up to $2400 for extended research time at other institutions
GSA Travel Award: up to $100 for in-state, $200 for domestic, and $400 for international travel to present as first author of a poster or presentation at a conference or event
Fellowship Opportunities
Common and not-so-common fellowships for support during your studies. Check them out:
Coates Research Scholar Award: yearly funding for PhD candidates
NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program: provides financial support for up to 3 years of a PhD program
Krell Institute Fellowships: they manage both the Computational Science Graduate Fellowship and the Stewardship Science Graduate Fellowship for the National Nuclear Security Administration
HENAAC Scholarships: Awarded to people of Hispanic origin pursuing degrees in the STEM fields; see site for details
DOE Office of Science Graduate Student Research Program: fellowship for US citizens or Permanent Residents in physics to conduct research at a national lab
Check out this list of fellowships from the Graduate School
Medical Physics Specific Fellowships:
National Institutes of Health F-31 fellowships: for students in the medical fields (like med physics)
National Institutes of Health F-99 fellowships: for grad students about to graduate and transition to a post-doc
Campus and Community Resources
LSU Student Health Center: many services are covered because you've paid fees
UREC: the LSU gym, with tons of free fitness programs, amenities, and outings/trips
LSU Food Pantry located in the student union
Tiger Trails: bus service that serves campus and surrounding communities
LSU Ombudsperson: an impartial, confidential person who can help you resolve conflicts, understand LSU policies, and more
Open Healthcare Clinic Baton Rouge: a full service healthcare clinic open Monday through Saturday that provides sliding fee scales for people who do and do not have health insurance
Find free STD testing and more at Get Tested
Live on campus at the Nicholson Gateway Apartments
This resource directory from the Women's Center outlines contacts for tons of issues/experiences anyone may have, not just women. Check it out!
The United Way offers free tax assistance for people who make under $54,000 a year. For international students, the tax assistance site the United Way sets up at LSU is staffed by people familiar with foreign tax treaties and preparing non-resident returns.