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GSO/Faculty Meeting June 10, 2021


Total Meeting time: 1 hr 10 min

Discussion summaries:

1. Faculty searches:

  • Theoretical Condensed Matter Fac search: Hanna Terletska was 1st choice, but declined. 2nd choice Justin Wilson has accepted offer and will be joining us as in the Fall.

  • Hanyu Wei also joining us in Fall as Neutrino faculty, some issues with visa though so sometime between August and January.

  • Hearne search ongoing, will bring 2 candidates before Fall, one in Materials science, one in Quantum info.

  • In Spring, highest priority was for experimental condensed matter search.

2. Qualifying exam:

  • The test bank has been culled! Jeff apologizes about the new culled test bank not being sent out and will notify Paige to do so ASAP. Issues with qual since Jiandi was the chair, but Dr. Corbitt is now chair for the (early) August qual and a date will be set soon.

  • Qual in early August will be the same format as January qual: option for Zoom is available as well as in person, will be allowed the equation sheet (not permanent change yet, but Jeff suggested it is intended to be hopefully), and will have extra questions (most likely not a permanent change, was implemented due to poor test bank).

3. Dr. Lee will be teaching E&M II in the Fall instead of Dr. Kutter

  • Dana Browne emphasizes the fact that to be able to take action against problems with professors there needs to be a written record i.e. student class evaluations or emailing him directly with problems. The evals themselves are a lousy measurement of teaching, but this way we can have a formal record of issues to use.

4. We're in-person in the Fall but there's still kind of a pandemic going on so...

  • Classes and everything will resume in person BUT with a mask mandate for now as far as we know.

  • No vaccine requirement as of yet but entirety of LSU Faculty strongly urge LSU to require it if they legally can. Decision still being made by Galligan, not the new President William F. Tate IV coming in.

  • IMPORTANT: If you have any reservations (uncomfortable or are at high-risk) about being a TA or attending classes in-person in the Fall, let Dana Browne or your instructor know! The university has no requirements or mandates in place to offer online instruction alongside in-person, but our department is understanding of any concerns and will accommodate for you as they can.

  • (Worth noting that there is an HD camera option for Zoom so if you're in a class being broadcasted over Zoom and notice grainy quality, you can ask your prof to check the camera settings).

  • Need to start planning some outside socializing stuff, want to meet last years first year and new students!

TL;DR - Two new faculty members found! Qual in early August. Culled test bank arriving soon! Problematic Professors + Formal Complaints = (possible) Departmental Action! Pandemic still bad, please talk to your professors if being in-person is something you aren't comfy with.


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