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March GSO/Faculty Meeting Agenda


March GSO/Faculty Meeting Agenda March 4th, 2022

Attending members: Fox Foley, Keilah Davis, Ali Crisp, Jeff Blackmon, Kip Hynes, Catherine Deibel, Rob Hynes

  1. Updates from last meeting:

  • Thank you for sharing CVs

2. This month’s discussion

a. So. Many. Pizza. Lunches.

  • Also during spring break? Bro…

  • Some searches have candidates elsewhere so we needed to hurry, time is taking precedence

b. Process for getting grad student/GSO feedback on job candidates

  • Need a more formal process for sending job candidate feedback info from grad students

  • Pls just send to either all grad students or the GSO email

  • Jeff says send feedback either to him and he’ll pass it along or go ahead and send it to the chair of the specific search committee

  • Nuclear - Kristina Launey, AMO - Mette, Condensed Matter - David Young

  • Jeff wants to say that candidates look good, diverse pools of candidates; 2-3 searches next year too

c. We were promised masks for TAs…. Still none. Por que no?

  • Have to buy masks from VWR bc of contract and they don’t have any >:(

d. Is the dept gonna do a crawfish boil this year?

  • YES


  • I have nothing to say. I just feel like everybody is pretending it's done when it's not :/

3. Updates from GSO

  • Elections underway, nominations being taken now/soon

  • Sending out our housing survey for incoming/new students by the end of this month

  • Also perspectives coming soon, need to figure out a social evening alone time thing

4. Faculty updates/Questions?

  • Ilya is trying to do the easiest thing but coming up with something that would be a great idea would to use Walk-Ons (Thurs night), Rock Paper Taco might have space? BREC parks? The Bulldog? Lake behind Pennington? Midcity beer garden, live after 5

  • Laurie setting up GSO email, going to assign to Jane

  • Sauls Hearne search not resolved yet, think he’s coming but space is an issue on 4th floor. Trying to make more/better spaces for graduate students

  • Also making changes to the astronomy/library area, trying to figure out what to do with Arlo’s stuff

  • Jeff said “qual”


  • Sorry not sorry for all of the pizza lunches, tryna catch candidates while we can

  • Prospectives students visit March 24-26, need graduate students to volunteer to talk to them, you’ll get free food

  • Still trying to figure out an outdoor clandestine event


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